Portfolio Update - October 2021
Growth Portfolio

BABA hit a low of ~138 and rebounded back to 16x levels, probably due to the positive general sentiments of Charlie Munger increasing his stake.
With a substantial amount in BABA, I would probably not add. Long term wise, once the news of the regulations dies off, I believe the price would rise.
Index Portfolio

Added monthly fund to IWDA and CSPX. Both indexes continue to rise month after month. Seems too good to be true.
But as always, for those who are into index investing, continue to stick to your asset allocation and not chase after the index that saw huge gains.
Yield Portfolio

With the announcement of the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL), stocks like SATS and SIA have soared.
International travel is starting, but with controlled measures to prevent another wave of infections. Hopefully, the world would be able to regain some resemblance of travelling like pre-covid days.
I'm comfortable with this amount of exposure to the stock market; 50% in indexes and the other 50% in yield, growth stocks.
Indexes because it has been proven to be a reliable long-term investing strategy by many people; Warren Buffett, Mr Money Mustache, JL Collins, Andrew Hallam etc.
Yield stocks to ensure a reliable sum of money that comes in yearly to offset expenses. Also to act as a "yield cushion" to prevent excess drawdown of capital during down markets.
Growth stocks just to have a little exposure and achieve higher rate of capital gains.
Til the next update, take care!
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