Portfolio Update - Apr 2021
However, this virus is not yet eradicated as can be seen from the recent rise of cases locally as well as in our neighboring countries.
It will still be some years before we see some form of normalcy in air travel. No one is safe unless everyone is safe.
Just when I thought things will be smooth in Apr, there was a health scare in the family. Luckily it was detected early and hopefully it will be removed after the surgery.
Work never fails to surprise me with new challenges. Just have to take it in my strive, treat every challenge as a learning opportunity and keep on going!
The recent craze was about dogecoin when a guy reported became a millionaire in 69 days: https://beebom.com/man-becomes-millionaire-invest-in-dogecoin/.
Mad times we living in right now. Will crypto be the future or a ponzi scheme? I'm still undecided and will be sitting on the fence for this one.
Now...Moving on to the portfolio updates
Income Portfolio

Banks rallied strongly from better than expected earnings. While SATS, CDG, Centurion dipped a little probably from the rise of COVID cases.
IREIT made a property acquisition for Decathlon in France and would be rising funds to partially fund this. Will be keeping a lookout for the potential rights issue.
Index Portfolio

This month fund was allocated to CSPX and IWDA to bring the percentage back closer to 42.5%. The bull keeps on going for months and its definitely hard emotionally to keep on averaging up on your existing positions.
Total networth hit a new high of S$260,000. Barring any crashes, the goal of S$280,000 by year end should be attainable.
Til then stay safe and hustle on!
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