Air Miles Project (27 months on)

The Air Miles Project started 27 months ago, when I first graduated from university. 

This was when I had a job and it allowed me to apply for credit cards. There are two kinds of credit cards that I could choose from: Cashback or Miles card. The cashback portion did not appeal to me with its low interest rate of ~1%. Some cashback cards offer up to 8% but those often requires a minimum spending amount. With my miles card, there is no hidden pressure to purposefully spend just to gain the miles and am able to save >65% of my income. 

The giam siap me resonated better with the idea of collecting miles; being able to fly on Business/First/Suites without having to pay the original price of it. I was interested in learning how people were able to consistently fly on Business class and began googling in depth about this topic. This led me to Milelion, Milelion was an inspiration to the 23 years old me then and that was how I started my journey on air miles. 

So how much air miles did I collected since then? I collected a grand total of 181,166 miles. Lets see with this number of miles where can it bring me to?

Based on SQ Savers Award Chart, I can exchange for ~2 one way Business class tickets to Zone 11 which is Europe. A quick check on Singapore Airlines for these tickets would cost >S$10k. No way would I pay this huge amount of money to sit business class.

Unfortunately COVID struck this year and air travel came to an abrupt stop. In the meantime I will still be keeping my miles cards and continue to accumulate miles. Air travel will surely resume and that is when these miles will be in good use! 


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