Expenses Update Jan 2018


Eating Out: $443.87 

Drinks: $ 12.40

Groceries: $27.50

Transport: $56 

Entertainment: $39.50 

Shopping: $5.40

Notes: $7.29

Miscellaneous: $50 

Neighbours Birthday

Dental: $107


Total: $750.96


Eating Out: $239.90

Drinks: $41.15 

Groceries: $21.10

Transport: $93 

Socialising: $183.70 

Entertainment: $5.80 

Miscellaneous: $17 

Medical: $29.40

Driving: $285

Total: 916.05

Recording our expenses down so that we have a better understanding of where exactly our money is spent on. 

Saving is important but not at the expense of being deprived and feeling unhappy, now that is foolish.

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